A Splashy Celebration for Clearview's Sixth Graders!

May 17, 2024

This week at Clearview Elementary, our incredible sixth graders celebrated a major milestone – their upcoming graduation! The afternoon was filled with laughter, joy, and a whole lot of water thanks to a fun-filled "dunk the teacher/administrator" activity.

Cheers erupted as students aimed for their favorite teachers and administrators, all in good fun and with plenty of support from the educators themselves. A big thank you goes out to our amazing parents who helped make this memorable event possible!

Beyond the dunking, the afternoon was all about our sixth graders. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and pride. Seeing the joy on their faces as they reminisced about their time at Clearview was truly heartwarming.

Clearview Elementary is a school where learning goes hand-in-hand with fun. This celebratory spirit is a big part of what makes our school so special. We know our graduates are well-equipped with the knowledge, skills, and positive memories they need to thrive in middle school.

As they embark on this next chapter in their educational journey, we're incredibly excited to see the amazing things they will accomplish. Go get 'em, Clearview Class of 2024! We can't wait to hear all about your future successes!