Student Testing

Clearview Elementary School is committed to providing a well-rounded education that goes beyond just test scores. Throughout the year, we utilize a variety of assessments to monitor student progress in all areas, from core subjects like reading and math (iReady) to social-emotional learning (SEL screener). This allows us to identify individual strengths and target specific areas for growth. Parents are kept informed through regular communication about testing schedules and results. Clearview believes in fostering not only academic success but also social and emotional well-being, ensuring our students are equipped with the necessary skills to thrive both inside and outside the classroom.

Students at Clearview ES are assessed in many areas throughout the year. Parents will receive a notification letter about the testing their child will have as well as the results of each test.

  • iReady Universal Screener for math and reading for 1st-6th students fall and spring
  • Grades 3–6 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener – fall & spring
  • Grades 3-6 Standards of Learning (SOL) tests, May/June
    • Performance Matters assessments ongoing
  • Kindergarten – Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening PALS – fall & spring 
  • Kindergarten – Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) – fall & spring
  • Kindergarten – Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) – fall & spring
  • Grades 1-6 – Developmental Spelling Analysis – fall & spring
  • WIDA for ESOL students – January/February

Abilities Tests

  • Naglieri for grade 1 students - fall
  • CogAT for grade 2 students – fall
  • Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) for 6th grade students in Advanced Math – February


Questions about student testing at Clearview?