Positive Behavioral Approach

Clearview Elementary School’s Positive Behavior Approach guides students to respect self, others, and surroundings.

Our goal is to create and maintain a productive, safe, and respectful environment by building relationships and education of the whole student.

At Clearview, we believe it is the adults’ responsibility to teach and reteach appropriate behaviors.  When students’ behaviors are not aligned with the school expectations, the teacher may ask the child to complete a Think Sheet as an opportunity to reflect on their choices and have a discussion with their families. We believe in consistent and frequent home-school communication to support our students and their social-emotional development.  

Every classroom also provides a ‘Peace Place’ or ‘Zen Zone’ which is a designated safe space students choose to visit to calm themselves and regroup. 

As a school community, we use proactive strategies to support students’ abilities to build positive relationships and develop strong characters.  Some strategies include:

  • Mentoring- Students may be paired up with a staff member who will serve as another caring adult in their lives. 
  • Responsive Classroom- We believe it is our responsibility to teach the whole child.  Responsive Classroom is an instructional approach that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning.
  • Consistent school- home communication-We believe in building strong relationships through honest and open communication between parents and teachers.
  • Bi-weekly Counseling Lessons- Our school counselors help students develop tools to problem solve and build positive relationships. 
  • Check-In, Check-Out- Students may begin and end their day by checking in and out with a specific staff member in order to work on student-specific goals.